Our expert team in Colchester is equipped and experienced in cleaning a wide variety of outdoor surfaces including driveways, patios, walkways, and decks. We utilize professional pressure washing techniques to ensure a thorough and effective clean.
Over time, driveways and patios can accumulate dirt, moss, algae, and other residues that can make them look unattractive and potentially become slippery and dangerous. Professional cleaning not only enhances the appearance of these areas but also helps prevent slips and falls, prolongs the lifespan of the surfaces, and can increase property value.
The frequency of cleaning your driveway and patio in Colchester depends on various factors such as the type of surface, amount of use, and surrounding landscape. However, most homeowners in Colchester find that an annual cleaning is sufficient to maintain a clean and attractive appearance.
Pressure washing is a cleaning method that uses a high-pressure stream of water to remove dirt, stains, and unwanted substances from surfaces. While it is highly effective, not all surfaces are suited for pressure washing. Our team is trained to determine the safest and most effective cleaning method for each specific type of surface.
We take great care to protect your landscaping and outdoor furnishings during our cleaning processes. Prior to cleaning, we will discuss any areas of concern and take necessary precautions to ensure the safety of your property.
We are committed to using environmentally friendly cleaning methods and products. We use biodegradable and non-toxic cleaning solutions wherever possible and ensure that our cleaning processes do not harm the surrounding environment.